Following on from our previous post about the process within the initial Feasibility Stage, which can be found here, this post explores the next stages within the project as to how the initial concepts from the Feasibility Study are refined and developed into a scheme ready to be submitted to Planning.
The Feasibility Stage establishes the key principles and priorities of the clients scheme. Clients do not have to pick one scheme or another, with hybrid schemes are often selected to be proceeded with, with a combination of design features and spaces from several options.
The Feasibility Study’s floorplans form the starting point of the Outline Design stage where we combine and refine the client’s preferred options to create their ideal layout. We present further opportunities to enhance the scheme and advise where changes could incur additional structure and costs.
As the floorplans are developed, the look and feel of the design in terms of the interior concepts and external design are discussed. On larger schemes, a 3D model is developed alongside the drawing set to allow clients to fully understand the nature of space.
Materials are discussed and samples reviewed to develop a coherent and consistent scheme across the board.
Whilst the architectural design is being refined, other consultants are also brought into the project team during this stage to prepare the required documents for the planning submission. Check out our post on ‘What other consultants are required when starting a building project’ for further information on this aspect of the process. We also advise on the best approach to the planning process, in terms of the type of application and whether early interaction with the Council via pre-planning advice is suggested.