New Build Houses

    • 24 November 2023

If you are starting to consider building your own home, whether it is on a new plot or replacing an existing dwelling, there are a number of points to be aware of over and above a refurbishment and extension of a property.

Finding the right plot is the first step in the process. This can often be a plot with a property or structure which will be replaced, or a larger plot with sufficient space for the land to be subdivided into multiple plots or even a clear site. The context of the plot is a key factor in whether permission will be granted for a new or replacement dwelling on the land.

Purchasing land with planning permission already permitted, or with a structure already on the site, significantly reduces the risk for the client. 

If the land is within the Green Belt, additional constraints will be applicable to any proposal and generally a building would required to be replaced or a very strong case put forward to the Council to achieve permission.

If the land is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, there are fewer constraints than that of the Green Belt, but greater considerations need to be taken than that of a plot outside these areas.

Fineline Architects are able to assess the constraints and opportunities for your proposed plot to advise on the available options for a new build house. Working with an experienced consultant team including Planning Consultants, Fineline can then suggest the best approach to improve your chances of a successful permission.

There are additional costs which are worth bearing in mind with a new build property such CIL or Community Infrastructure Levy, which is payable to the Council. However, if the property is expected to be your primary residence for the next 3 years then a self-build exemption can be claimed. VAT is not applicable for the construction of a new build house and the zero-rating applies to fixtures and fittings such as kitchens and sanitaryware but not to professional fees. 

If you are taking the opportunity to construct a new home, then you are able to take advantage of sustainable construction and renewable technologies to future-proof your home. Sustainable principles can be integrated into the design from the outset to ensure that your new home is highly insulated, energy efficient and run primarily on renewable technology.

Building Regulations require higher levels of thermal efficiency for new build properties, and Councils often request Energy Statements at the planning stage of the process to ensure sustainable principles are being taken into account within the early stage design.

Fineline Architects work closely with Energy Consultants to establish a clear sustainable strategy for a project from the outset to ensure all appropriate avenues are explored to enable the clients to make an informed decision as to what systems they would like to integrate into the project.

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If you have a project in mind, we would love to hear from you.